Enrolment options

Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

Course modified date: 21 Dec 2023

Stress is a fact of life, wherever we are and whatever we are doing. We cannot avoid stress, but we can learn to manage it and develop skills to cope with the events or situations we find stressful. 

In this module you will learn to distinguish the different types of stress, since some stress can be helpful if it motivates us to accomplish tasks or make needed changes. Stress becomes problematic when stressors accumulate and/or become recurrent, resulting in distress or feelings of hopelessness deteriorating our well-being. Then it is necessary to identify what stresses us, what our threshold for stress is, and how we can most effectively manage stressful situations.

 Units covered in the module are:


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)