Enrolment options

How to overcome anxiety and revolutionize your behavior

Avoidance is an understandable response to negative experiences and it allows people not to face distressful situations. But it is only temporary because avoiding our own fears can create new problems. Withdrawing from responsibilities or things that are important can maintain the cycle of anxiety and may lead to further isolation and low mood. It is also preventing people from testing their abilities and realize that either their fears are not real or that they are capable of coping. 

Approaching and not avoiding situations that could trigger anxiety, can help people build confidence and enable them to master the situations that they previously feared.


The aim of this module is to help participants learn how anxiety can be overcome by approaching the situations they have been avoiding. 

Units covered in the module are:

  • The incremental effect avoidance has on anxiety.

  • How to approach – not avoid – a situation.

Practical skill to begin changing avoidance behavior.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)