Enrolment options

Sport as a tool for mental health

Sport as a tool for mental health

Course modified date: 6 Apr 2024

This module is open to all those who wants to lower stress levels and increase their psychophysical wellbeing through sport and physical activity. Over the last years, several scientific studies have shown how sport and physical activity play an important role in preventing mental illness and in reducing the impact of mental disorders, since physical activity reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood (the stress hormone involved also in anxiety and depression) and stimulates the release of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine - the most important well-being neurotransmitters.


Units covered in the module:

  • Definition of mental health and of the most common mental disorders.

  • Benefits of sport and physical activity for mental wellbeing.

  • Guidelines and tips on how to improve the psychophysical wellbeing through sport and physical activity.


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)