Enrolment options



Course modified date: 11 Jan 2024

Nowadays almost all working people are stressed, exhaustion, because you have to deal with various things every day: problems, challenges, to solve them.  Individuals constantly struggle with anxiety, stress, fatigue, etc eventually burn out. Then there is a danger of "burning out". Burnout syndrome manifests itself in a variety of symptoms: the individual feels apathetic, depressed, the desire for something disappears to be interested or to pursue, no longer able to control events. Health disorders are also an important symptom, because it is not uncommon to have to apply for the treatment of a medical condition. As a result, in this module you will find out what is burn-out, how to recognise burn-out in yourself and you and also what are the ways to protect yourself from burn-out (burn-out hygiene). 

Units covered in the module:

  • what is burn- out;

  • symptoms of burn-out (physical, behavioral, emotional, overall);

  • factors influencing burn-out.

  • how to identify burn-out;

  • techniques on burn-out prevention.


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)