Enrolment options

Tips and tricks for nutritious life

Tips and tricks for nutritious life

Course modified date: 6 Apr 2024

Тhis module is focused on proper dietary practice for consuming a balanced and nutritious diet to support growth, development and overall health. It involves understanding the nutrients the body needs, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water, and making informed food choices to meet those needs. By practicing good nutrition, individuals can promote longevity, improve athletic performance, support immune system function, and improve overall quality of life.

Units covered in the module:

  • Introduction to nutrition (importance and benefits)

  • Understanding macronutrients 

  • Balance diet

  • Optimal nutrient intake

  • Nutritional label reading

  • Healthy meal planning


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)